12 Science-Backed Health Benefits Of Amla

Welcome! All of you in Lifelong Health Blog. In this article, we talk about 12 Science-Backed Health Benefits Of Amla. Amla has been given a separate place in Ayurveda. Consuming Amla can eliminate more than half of the diseases in your body. Amla has been consumed for years to treat problems ranging from hair loss to autoimmune disorders. It can also be used in the form of tonic, paste and oil. But eating Amla is the most beneficial of all. Amla has been included in the winter diet in Indian homes for years. Let us know how it works for hair (Amla benefits for hair). Amla is a highly effective medicinal plant due to its many properties. Let us tell you that Amla is rich in many nutrients. Nutrients like vitamin C, antioxidants, calcium, iron, potassium, flavonoids and anthocyanin are found in Amla. Amla is not only good for health, it is also considered beneficial for skin and hair. Eating Amla brings a glow to the skin and also darkens the hair. This is the reason why many people include Amla in their diet. There are many benefits of eating Amla. Let’s take a look at these 12 Science-Backed Health Benefits Of Amla.

12 Science-Backed Health Benefits Of Amla
12 Science-Backed Health Benefits Of Amla


 12 Science-Backed Health Benefits Of Amla

Amla has many benefits. Amla boosts your immunity. Amla keeps your digestive system fine. It improves your skin. Its use prevents you from gaining weight and it keeps your hair black. So many nutrients are found in Amla which are very beneficial for your health. Let us now try to know in detail what are the benefits of Amla.

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1. Make the immune system strong

Amla is rich in Vitamin C. This is why Amla makes a wonderful immunity booster in your body. Amla is also loaded with vitamin A, polyphenols, alkaloids and flavonoids – quercetin and kaempferol. According to a research, Amla increases the number of white blood cells, helps in fighting infections and strengthens the defense system by removing toxins from the body. If you eat Amla daily, it protects the body from harmful bacteria and inflammation. Apart from this, eating Amla daily on an empty stomach also protects from cold and cough.

2. Improves liver function

A big benefit of eating Amla is that its juice contains abundant amounts of phytochemicals like quercetin, gallic acid, corylagin and ellagic acid. These phytochemicals aid the body in detoxification and fighting free radicals. Amla juice improves liver function, boosts vitality and provides you with energy.

3. Helpful in controlling diabetes

Amla is a traditional and a wonderful home remedy for diabetic patients. It not only prevents pancreatitis but also controls blood sugar levels. Actually Vitamin C acts as a powerful antioxidant and it reverses the effects of oxidative stress which is one of the reasons for increasing diabetes. To avoid diabetes, you should eat fresh Amla, drink Amla juice and consume Amla Murabba made from this bitter-sweet fruit. You can also consume Amla powder with water to reduce your sugar level.

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4. Better for stomach health

Amla has great importance in Ayurveda. According to Ayurveda, if you start your morning with any recipe made from Amla, then it is no less than a panacea for your health. Amla detoxifies the body and helps in removing all the bad elements. Amla is rich in fiber, hence it controls bowel movement and also increases the production of digestive juices. It also helps in better absorption of nutrients in the body. If you are suffering from IBS, constipation or any intestinal problem then you must drink Amla juice in the morning to cleanse your system.

5. Helpful in hair growth

The presence of vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients and antioxidants in Amla juice increases blood circulation. This strengthens the roots of the hair pores. Due to the high concentration of Vitamin C in Amla, it also helps in the production of collagen protein. It helps in increasing both the length and quantity of hair by converting the dead cells found in the hair follicles into new cells.

6. Prevent hair from turning gray

Amla is known as a component to naturally darken hair and prevent graying. According to Ayurveda, premature graying of hair usually occurs due to imbalance of Pitta dosha in the body. Amla is a natural coolant. For this reason, Amla juice effectively reduces the increased pitta dosha and prevents graying of hair.

7. Prevents hair fall

Amla juice contains abundant amounts of iron and carotene. This iron and carotene prevent hair fall and breakage. If you drink a glass of Amla juice regularly, it reduces hair fall and strengthens the hair pores from the root. Amla juice is also useful in clearing dandruff.

8. Protects against premature gray hair

If your hair seems to be turning gray before your time, which problem has increased a lot these days, then you can consume Amla. The antioxidants present in amla help fight free radicals that cause premature graying of hair. Regular use of Amla oil or consumption of Amla in various forms can slow down the process of graying of hair. And can keep your hair black for a long time.

9. keeps scalp healthy

If your scalp itches or starts flaking. Or if there is any other infection, then in such a situation Amla can cure it. Amla has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. Which can help in curing any infection in your scalp. It keeps your scalp hydrated which helps in reducing dandruff.

10. Amla protects hair from external damage

The tannins and calcium of amla provide protection to your hair from sun damage and heat damage. These compounds act as a barrier for your hair. Tannins, in particular, help prevent the keratin proteins in hair from breaking loose, which helps protect them from damage caused by environmental factors.

11. Amla strengthens bones

Amla contains abundant amount of calcium. Consuming Amla strengthens bones and also provides relief from joint pain. Amla also contains potassium, which is very beneficial for the muscles of the body. Therefore, to strengthen bones and muscles, you must consume Amla.

12. Beneficial in high blood pressure

According to a research, regular consumption of Amla helps in reducing blood pressure and also helps in reducing the effects of heart diseases. The abundance of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals especially potassium in Amla acts as a panacea for high blood pressure patients. Potassium is very effective in dilating blood vessels, thereby reducing blood pressure.
It also controls various symptoms of high blood pressure. You can drink Amla juice mixed with one spoon of honey to bring down blood pressure naturally. If you drink this juice regularly, it helps in controlling both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

How to eat Amla on an empty stomach?

• 1. Soak Amla overnight. Soak one Indian gooseberry in a cup every night and drink the Indian gooseberry water in the morning on an empty stomach.
• 2. Apart from this, you can boil Amla in water and drink it on an empty stomach and eat boiled Amla.
• 3. If you want, you can eat Amla Murabba. But diabetic patients should not eat murabba without doctor’s advice.
• 4. You can also eat Amla with black salt on an empty stomach.
• 5. You can consume Amla powder, hot water and honey on an empty stomach.
• 6. You can drink Amla juice on an empty stomach. Drinking Amla juice is very beneficial for health.

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In conclusion, the science-backed health benefits of Amla, or the Indian gooseberry, are truly remarkable. Packed with vitamin C, Amla boosts immunity, fights off infections, and promotes glowing skin. Its potent antioxidant properties help combat oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease and cancer. Amla’s anti-inflammatory properties also make it beneficial for managing arthritis and other inflammatory conditions. Additionally, Amla aids in digestion, promotes hair health, and may even help manage diabetes and cholesterol levels. Incorporating this superfood into your diet can be a simple yet effective way to enhance your overall health and well-being by these 12 Science-Backed Health Benefits Of Amla.


1. Which disease is cured by eating Amla?

Amla is rich in Vitamin C. Eating this strengthens your immune system. It removes toxic elements from the body and provides strength to fight bacteria. If you have an upset stomach, then consuming Amla can prove to be very beneficial for you.

2. What are the benefits of eating Amla on an empty stomach in the morning?

Amla contains abundant amount of fiber, which improves the digestive system of the body. Consuming Amla regularly improves digestion. Amla acts as a natural laxative and removes toxins from the body. Eating Amla or drinking its juice on an empty stomach in the morning provides relief from constipation and acidity.

3. What will happen if you eat Amla every day?

If you include one Amla in your diet every day, your immune system will never weaken. It not only contains vitamins in abundance, but also fiber, folate, anti-oxidants, phosphorus, iron, carbs, omega 3, magnesium and calcium are also found in it.

4. What is the nature of Amla?

Amla has a cooling effect. Drinking its juice in summer calms the burning sensation in the stomach. The body also remains cool. Vitamin A is found in Amla

5. Who should avoid eating Amla?

Therefore, if you are suffering from serious kidney disease then avoid its consumption. Since Amla is beneficial for people with high-BP, it can be harmful for people with low-BP. It has great ability to reduce and maintain blood pressure.

6. Does Amla increase blood?

Amla is rich in many nutrients like vitamin C and iron. Especially in case of anemia, a person is advised to eat Amla. Talking about Amla juice, it can be given to children in limited quantity once a day. Amla is also helpful in increasing the immunity of children.

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