Best Home Remedies For Fever : Kid’s and Adults

Hello Bloggers, Welcome to all of you in Lifelong Health. In this article, we provide Best Home Remedies For Fever. It’s a common experience for all of us to have had a fever at some point. An increase in body temperature is called a fever. This merely suggests that our bodies are experiencing aberrant activity. Numerous things can cause a fever, including bacterial or viral infections, heat exhaustion, cancerous tumors, drugs like antibiotics and anticonvulsants, high blood pressure medications, vaccinations (like the COVID vaccine, diphtheria, tetanus, etc.), and inflammatory diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.  A fever doesn’t really tell us what is wrong with our bodies; it just signifies that something is wrong. It doesn’t even suggest that a disease is present. Viral fever is among the most common type of fever is elaborated in this article and gives the best home remedies for fever for kids and Adults.


Signs of a fever

The average body temperature is approximately 37°C, or 98.6°F. But throughout the day, body temperature naturally varies, particularly during physical activity.

When a person’s body temperature reaches 100–102°F (37.8–39°C), it is referred to as a low grade fever. A person has a high grade fever when their body temperature rises above 104°F (40°C).

A person who has a fever may also feel as follows in addition to a higher body temperature:


Best Home Remedies For Fever




  • sweating
  • chills
  • headache
  • muscle aches
  • loss of appetite
  • fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Flushing of face
  • Dry and hot skin
  • Vomiting
  • Constipation or diarrhoea
  • Dark coloured urine
  • Decrease in urine

How High Is Your Temperature?

Best Home Remedies For Fever : Kid's and Adults


It could depend on the kind of thermometer that is used.
Use a digital thermometer to measure the temperature. Utilize mercury thermometers sparingly.
The most accurate thermometers are rectal (in the lower abdomen) ones.
If used properly, forehead (temporal artery) thermometers are the next best option.
If used correctly, oral (mouth) and tympanic (ear) thermometers can be used. Wait 30 minutes after consuming anything hot or cold to take oral temperatures. Wait fifteen minutes after coming in from the cold for the ear.
Finally, while it is not very accurate, taking the temperature under the armpit, or axilla, can be used as a quick check.
Depending on your child’s age, there are different ways to take their temperature.
Rectal or forehead thermometers for infants under 3 months
Rectal, forehead, or axillary thermometers for those four months or older
Rectal, forehead, ear, or axillary thermometers that are older than six months
Oral (mouth), forehead, ear, or axillary thermometers for children four years old and up

Remedies at home for adults : Best Home Remedies For Fever

Best Home Remedies For Fever : Kid's and Adults


When an adult has a fever, there are a few things they can do to feel more comfortable. These consist of:
1. consuming a lot of liquids: The body needs to consume more water when it has a fever in order to adjust to the higher body temperature. Loss of fluids may result from this.
Rehydrating the body can be achieved by consuming water or an electrolyte replacement beverage.
2. Resting: It takes a lot of energy to fight an infection. In order to aid in the body’s healing, people should sleep as much as possible.
3. Powdered coriander seeds :
Dhaniya is the common name for coriander seeds. Its scientific name is Coriandrum sativum, and it is a member of the Apiaceae family. In Ayurveda, coriander seeds are used to treat a variety of ailments. Fever may also be useful to them. To reduce your fever, your Ayurvedic doctor might advise you to dilute a small amount of coriander seed powder in warm water. You can add sugar to enhance the flavor. This treatment could be beneficial for fever.
4. Guduchi:
It is also referred to as Gilo in Punjabi, Giloe and Gurcha in Hindi, etc.  Your physician may advise taking a decoction made with Guduchi. It could be useful in lowering fever. The decoction can be made by boiling Guduchi stems in water with additional ingredients such as patraka, dry ginger, etc.
5. Isvari: 
Aristolochia indica is the name of a plant in the Aristolochiaceae family. It is also known as serpent root, Indian birthwort, and ishwari. This plant’s consumption may help lower fever. The entire plant’s juice might have antipyretic qualities. An Ayurvedic doctor may give you a few drops of this plant as medication for fever and diarrhea.
6. Ivy Gourd: 
Fever may be positively impacted by bimbi, also referred to as Ivy gourd in English, Kundaruki Bel in Hindi, and Tondale in Marathi. This plant’s leaves applied externally may help cause perspiration, which may help lower fever. Please see a physician; do not attempt self-medication with it.
7. Changeri :
Changeri goes by several names, including Ambolee in Gujarati, Amrul in Bengali, Indian Sorrel in English, Pulichinta in Telugu, etc. It is also referred to as Oxalis comiculata in the scientific community, where it is a member of the Oxalidaceae family. After boiling the paste made from the entire Changeri plant, the water is drained off. Taking this infusion could help lower fever.
8. Jeera : 
Jeera may be useful for a number of ailments, including piles, flatulence, and memory improvement. Additionally, it may be able to lower feverish body temperatures. Jeera is referred to as cumin seeds or just cumin in English. Under the scientific name Cuminum cyminum, it is a member of the Apiaceae family. Taking jeera with a little jaggery and black pepper may help with intermittent fever.
9. Taking a tepid bath: 
When suffering from a fever, many people think about taking a cold bath. Shivering, on the other hand, can result from doing so and raise body temperature even further.
An alternative is to take a tepid or lukewarm bath to aid in the body’s cooling down. Muscle aches can also be relieved with a bath.
10.Wearing light clothing: 
People who have fevers sometimes feel hot one minute and cold the next. Excessive layering can trap heat against the body and increase core body temperature.
Wearing a few layers is advised, and if it gets cold, more should be added.

Natural cures for kids and babies

Best Home Remedies For Fever : Kid's and Adults


Children’s fever treatments are quite similar to adult treatments. There are a few minor variations, though.
To address a fever, for instance, young children and babies ought to attempt:
1. Consuming lots of liquids: 
Children who have a fever require a lot of fluids, just like adults do. Nevertheless, encouraging young children to drink more water can be challenging.
Among the more enticing substitutes are:
. Feed Them Nutritious Soup Popsicles: 
Dehydration, a common side effect of fever, poses a greater risk to children than fever itself. Your child may sweat excessively and lose vital minerals as a result of their fever. It is imperative that you make sure your child consumes adequate fluids throughout the day to make up for the electrolytes he is losing. One of the best natural fever remedies is a hot bowl of soup. Soup is not only easier for your child to digest, but it also contains a wealth of essential vitamins and minerals. The healthiest option is always homemade, so try to stay away from instant soups. There are many quick and healthy soup recipes that you can prepare right away.
After taking over-the-counter medicine, kids might feel better. They might feel happier and more playful as a result.
But it’s crucial to make sure kids get enough sleep until their fever or sickness subsides.
Parents and other adults can try reading a story to a child or playing soft music for them if they are having trouble falling asleep or unwinding.
3. Apple Cider Bath: 
Although ice cold baths are a well-liked treatment for reducing fever in kids, they may not be effective. Showering your child in cold water can cause a shock to their body temperature and won’t help reduce their fever. On the other hand, a warm bath can quickly lower a high temperature while being kind to the body. You can increase the effectiveness of a warm bath by adding one cup of apple cider vinegar to it. For many years, this has been one of the most widely used natural fever remedies for children. You may even apply a warm compress pack to your child’s forehead and add a few drops of apple cider vinegar to it.
4. Herbal Teas: 
Give your child some herbal tea in place of water if they won’t drink it when they have a fever. Children can safely consume herbal teas as long as they don’t contain caffeine. They will keep your child hydrated and are among the greatest natural fever remedies. Herbal teas can help treat your child’s fever and offer many other health benefits. Tea made from chamomile flowers is a well-liked fever remedy that is even safe for infants. Congested airways can be eased and upset stomachs can be settled with peppermint tea. For enhanced flavor and additional antibacterial properties, you can also add a teaspoon of honey to the tea.
5. Probiotics:
 Probiotics can support your child’s immune system when it is exerting a lot of energy fighting an infection. The microscopic organisms that reside in your stomach make up nearly 80% of your immune system. Give your child a daily dose of probiotic supplements to help fortify their gut microbiota during illness. In order to avoid upset stomach, you can also give your child probiotic supplements if they are taking antibiotics. Having your child take probiotics on a daily basis may even help them avoid getting sick in the future.

When to Get Medical Assistance:

Best Home Remedies For Fever : Kid's and Adults



Has a fever at any age and:

  • Appears extremely sick, fussy, or sleepy.
  • Is not eating or drinking and exhibits symptoms of dehydration, such as dark urine, sunken eyes, dry diapers, dry mouth, or not peeing.
  • Has a painful stomach ache, a stiff neck, a headache, a sore throat, vomiting, or diarrhea.
  • Possesses an odd rash
  • Has been in an extremely hot environment, like an overheated vehicle.
  • Has immune system disorders, such as sickle cell disease or cancer, that increase their risk of getting sick, or they take medication that compromises their immune system.


Make an immediate call to your child’s physician if your child:

  • Is less than three months old and has a temperature of at least 100.4˚F (38˚C).
  • Is more than three months old and has a temperature of 40 ˚C, or 104 ˚F.
  • Over 102.1˚F (38.9̚C) for more than two days or continues to return.
  • It has been attempted to be brought down, but to no avail.


Things not to do in case of a fever in your child :

  • Never give aspirin to your child to relieve their fever or pain. Aspirin side effects include upset stomach, gastrointestinal bleeding, and Reye syndrome have been related to the drug. A dangerous condition that affects the brain and liver is called Reye syndrome.
  • Sponging won’t help your child’s fever go down. Water that is too cold or too cool can make your child shiver and raise their body temperature.
  • Never treat a fever in your child by giving them rubbing alcohol. Alcohol used for rubbing has the potential to enter the skin or be inhaled, leading to dangerous conditions like comas.


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One typical sign of inflammation and infection is fever. Most of the time, one can treat a fever at home.
Most of the time, a fever doesn’t need medical attention. On the other hand, taking over-the-counter drugs can help someone feel more comfortable and reduce their body temperature.
It’s crucial to keep in mind that some drugs are inappropriate for kids younger than a certain age. Before giving medication to a child or newborn, always make sure the dosage and treatment are appropriate by consulting a physician or pharmacist.
If a person or their child has a high or persistent fever that does not go away with medicine, they should visit a doctor. If a fever is accompanied by more severe symptoms of an illness, you should also see a doctor. In this article we try to give you best home remedies for fever for kids and Adults.
Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the home Remedies for viral fever ?

Is Guduchi good for the treatment of viral Fever?

How long does viral Fever last?

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